Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 23, 24 and 25……….. Fun & Games and a Few Rules for Good Measure!

It’s been a quiet couple of days…. We did find out that our court date is set for Feb. 28th. No chance of moving it up. So today we called the US Embassy to see if they can expedite Angela’s visa processing….. no problem. They will do it in one day in hopes we can make our flight on March 15th. Nice that some beurocratic offices seem to have a sense of sensitivity and concern……. So now we wait and try to practice patience.

We delivered a bunch of goodies to Angela's group…. Undies, socks, tights and gloves….. The girls were thrilled! We had a very nice conversation with Angela’s primary caretaker. She shared with us insights to Angela’s personality and offered advice. Ukraine, in general, is a very disciplined country, add the orphanage setting to that, and well, she is used to a structured environment. It is suggested that we maintain this as best we can, as it is what she’s used to. She also mentioned that last year, Angela shared with her that she was hoping to be an only child in a family. Well, since Len’s boys are living on their own now, she has the best of all worlds’…… wonderful big brothers but undivided attention at home! We talked about how difficult it must be for Mama Irena (now we know her first name!) when these girls leave….. Tears filled her eyes as she commented, “they all go so far away”….. Even in the happiness that surrounds this time, we know she is filled with sadness too. Later that day, we talked with Angela about this. She said she too, will be very sad to leave Mama Irena but that she is ready and that she wants to have a family.

We came back to our apartment and talked with Angela about our upcoming timeline and a little bit of what to expect once we get home….. a few ground rules were discussed…. (1) To treat everyone and everything with Respect. (we checked to make sure she knew this word) If she does this, she will do fine in our home…… (2) Never going outside without telling us first (thanks Nancy!) (3) And that even though our next-door neighbor Ray is a really nice man, she can’t go in his yard – EVER! He has a guard dog that would not take kindly to this. She was able to recite the rules back later with no problem…… and indicated that these were easy rules she could follow….. We hope we’re off to a good start! We taught her to play Yatzee…. one of cousin Natalie and Casey’s favorite games. That would have been next to impossible without a translator! Then we finished the puzzle! She really got into it towards the end!

Len and Galya are taking Angela out and about to get a few things and for cappuccino and cake (it amazes us that the young girls here drink such sophisticated drinks) Mama is nursing a sore throat and cold and doesn’t want to expose her. So a little quiet time alone at home……. Not a bad way to spend a couple of hours. Len has the camera so can't post any photos today.

Til tomorrow........ thanks for blogging with us!


Anonymous said...

Pam and Len,

Angela is beautiful and it seems parenting is very natural to you. You can count on "Aunt Robbin" to trash the healthy rules and bring the donuts and candy.

Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by and you will be introducing your peanut to a "whole new world."

Feel better


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. Drink lots of tea...

We knew Mama's name as Irena. I just like Mama Nikolya better. The girls call her Mama Nikoliyevna. Trying to put it out there phoneticly. LOL.... I am not a good speller.

Can't wait to see some new pictures.
Tell all hello from us in Cali.

John Miller said...

There will be times of frustation due to the language barrier. We keep a English/Russian dictionary on the coffee table. When we are having a discussion, we highlight key words and let Natasha or Leo view the English word so they can see the Russian word and definition beside it. This has helped a lot. But, now that Natasha and Leo have a better grasp of the English language they could serve as an interpreter if needed.

Unknown said...

good to know you have a definite date. sounds like things are going well. can't believe you are sick again. feel better. see you soon. sheri

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam and Len (and Angela!)
As you may know I used to live on the other side of Ray, where Dr. Lehmann lives now. We, too, were always terrified of their dog, but we loved the family. When we moved, Grace was 6 and Robert was 9 and we managed to escape injury! About that Yatzee, we love it too and it's the game of choice at the Cabin. I hope that you will take Angela there some day soon and play on our little kitchen table. LOVE THE BLOG!

teri said...

Hi Pam and Len, greetings from beautiful snowy cold Ohio. Always super to receive your blogs/messages of excellent info of conditions there and your adjustments. UC has had exciting games with last minute wins. Feb. 20th they defeated South Florida 52-51. They now have first ever three game winning streak in Big EAst.
Teri has printed blogs and photos and I am keeping an album of it all. Can't wait till your return.

Love, mother

teri said...

Delighted she likes eggs! Confirmation on court date is great...Now you can begin preparation for journey will be here before we know it? and so will you all.

Eat some pasta, it's good for the soul.

love ya, Teri

Ray the Neighbor said...

Easy, Pam.

Mojo is going to fall in love with Angela just like everyone else has. If you'd like, I'll bring Nike over when the time is right. If you like the fish better, you can bring Angela over to see the tank when she is ready.

If she'd like, I will be happy to take her to that international restaurant on occasion --- you know, the one with the Golden Arches!

I'm getting tired of breaking the ice on your pond. Not because I mind helping. Just because this snow and cold weather are getting old.

Anyway, hurry home --- with Len and your angel, Angela!
