Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day 39 and 40…………………….Forty Days and Forty Nights

We’re counting the hours now….. one of our last 4-6pm daily visits…. We will miss the girls…. It’s endearing how they run up to us now with hugs and hold our hands as we walk the orphanage grounds….. the ones that were the most distant at first, are now the most attached. Saying good-bye to them will be difficult. The past two days have gone remarkably fast! We took a jump rope for some outdoor activity. The girls loved it. We also spent a lot of time playing volleyball and 4-square.

We took a 3-mile walk today….. our destination, the market, of course and the World War II monument that you can see from almost any vantage point in the city. It is by anyone’s standards, impressive. We saw our 5th bridal party since landing in Ukraine – we believe that brings good luck! Something about brides and grooms and the innocence of young love……

Tomorrow we’re off on another adventure with Galya and Kostia. It’s a three-day weekend here. Saturday is Woman’s Day – the equivalent to our Mother’s Day. I am spoiled. I get to celebrate my “first” twice this year!!! Since the holiday falls on a weekend, the kids don’t have school on Monday, so we get to have Angella for three days in a row – all day each day.

Then Wednesday, she’s ours for good!


Anonymous said...


Enjoy the weekend. The HIV kids are segregated which is quite sad. My mom did buy them some school supllies when she was there last summer and Life2Orphans helped to equip their wing. My husband and I did donate some money for Galya to buy them some items last month.

Please remind Galya that she was going to get me their shoe sizes as they need shoes.

Thanks and enjoy the rest of your stay.


Steven said...

Finally coming to an end, very exciting. You guys have missed one of the largest winter storms on record, in March! Columbus was hit by 21 inches of snow, beating the previous record (from 1910) by half a foot! Everyone is snowed in and the roads are just awful.

Who would've thought you being in the Ukraine and us in Ohio, we'd be getting the snow in March.


teri said...

Wow, that market looks fantastic! Glad your weather is good. Sorry you missed this last snow, it was so beautiful. It is melting so quickly, and the prediction is for upper 40s and 50s this week.

Happy Mother's day!

Love you, Teri

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam and Len!
The market looks good. glad to see you've got something healthy to eat!
I'm sure you already heard we got a hellava snow storm that started on Friday and didn't let up until Sat. afternoon. Most areas received between 12-15 in. Ellie worked for 3 hours on our driveway and front walk and hardly made a dent. I decided to pay to have it plowed...$125!!!
Looks like you guys are down to the wire now. Love all the pictures of Angella enjoying her mama and papa!
Hope to see you soon.

Sandy H.